I've just checked and realised that over two months have gone by since I last wrote. Wow. Apparently, I'm really not one of those regular bloggers - and it's possible I may never be.
My initial reaction to this is to beat myself up about it. After all, blogging is a commitment, right? It's something you're supposed to do regularly, otherwise people don't read what you write?
So conventional wisdom goes, anyway. But what if you don't have anything to say? Or if you do, but there's so much happening, that your blog slips down the life priorities queue? Surely it's better not to blog, than to force it, and let the fact that your heart's not in it shine through your posts.
Those were the thoughts that were going through my mind as my life slowed down enough that I started catching myself up on some of the blogs I love reading, and started thinking about trying to get back to meditation and mindfulness blogging myself.
And I realised that, contrary to all the pressure I was putting on myself, where I was at the time was actually OK. This blog doesn't exist as a commitment to anyone else but me, which means I get to define how often I write, and about what. And if there's nothing to say, or life's just too busy, then so be it. Things go in cycles. There'll come a time again when life's not so busy, or when I do suddenly find things I want to say.
And when that happens, my blog will be here waiting for me to write in it (and if it never happens, then eventually, I'll take down the blog and find something else to put my energies into). But meanwhile, either way, life's way too short to spend it beating myself up for something that, on a cosmic scale, really doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot.
It's that simple, and it's only a huge gigantic drama if I make it one.
I guess that alone is a lesson I can easily find myself grateful for.