Sunday, July 13, 2008

Experiences with the Astral Projecting Kit, anyone?

Image courtesy of Stock Exchange -


I've been feeling the need to refocus on dreamwork recently, after having had some pretty amazingly vivid dreams over the past little while.

I've re-set myself up an account with (I'm Starfirenz on there, for anyone who'd like to check out the dreams I'm posting).

While I was over there, I found myself drawn to click on a PPC ad for something called 'The Astral Projecting Kit', and I'm half tempted to try it out; but I'm also a tad nervous because I can't find *anything* about the seller anywhere - not even any contact info. Plus y'know, it's also in that standard one-page sales letter format that so many infotrepreneurs in the niche marketing... well... niche use (just buy *this* one thing and get this and this and this and this and this as absolutely 100% FREE bonuses, yadda yadda yadda)

But I have occasionally found myself worthwhile material online packaged in exactly that format (in amongst all the dross that isn't), so I can't totally rule it out just because of that. And I do know that I generally respond well to guided audios and MP3s and binaurals, so if it is on the level, it would seem to be a pretty good deal. And yet still...

So I thought to myself, "I know! I'll put a wee entry up on my meditation blog - just on the offchance that someone who reads it has tried out the kit, or knows of someone who has, and can either tell me that
  1. despite the dodgy site appearance, that no, they are offered by a genuine seller who just has very little idea of what makes a credible website (for the record - no, video isn't enough - at the very least, I want more than one testimonial, and some valid contact details!); or

  2. that no, they're pretty much what they look like - someone out to make a quick buck, and worst case scenario, a credit card scammer

So yeah... this is me throwing it out to the big wide world of my blog-reading public (hey, a girl can wish, right?) I figure if it's on the level *someone* out there will have used it and not felt ripped off after doing so...




Anonymous said...

SOrry i can't help you with 'The Astral Projecting Kit' - (but it looks a wee bit dodgy to me!)... nice blog, see you around. R

Starfire said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting (and for the great meditation audios as well!)

