Thursday, December 13, 2007

Post-workout park meditation

After a reasonably good Spin class this morning (not the best I've done, but way better than many), I stopped off in the park that's on the way home from the gym to just breathe and be for a bit.

I parked my butt on top of a picnic table, sat up straight, grounded for a moment, and then just focussed on the breath moving in and out of the tip of my nose. I let my breathing deepen and slow without trying to breathe to any particular rhythm, and counted each breath. At the end of each exhale, I paused, and just noted whatever sensation or sensory thing was strongest at that time. Sometimes it was the warm wind on my cheek or my arm, sometimes it was birdsong, sometimes it was the fact that my stomach was hungry, sometimes the feel of the early morning sun on my face, sometimes the rustle of leaves as birds foraged for their breakfast. Whatever it was, I did my best to note it, and then let it go and return my attention to my breathing.

Honestly, it was a great meditation. Just short - I stopped at thirty breaths, so probably somewhere between 5-10 minutes, but long enough to totally connect me to myself and the world around me. It only took a breath or two to establish that connection too, which suggests that a reasonable night's sleep last night, plus the workout, have combined to do me a world of good and begun to re-establish the sense of balance that was so totally absent yesterday.

I may or may not try to do a formal meditation in addition to this morning's - but whether I do or not, I definitely feel as though I've set a good precedent for the rest of the day.

At-peace blessings


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